It may seem as though an extraterrestrial civilization tore the fabric of the cosmos apart to create the enigmatic area of darkness.
Did someone tear a patch of the universe? Imagine looking up and
seeing an infinite number of stars. Then, unexpectedly, a black region where
nothing can be seen emerges in your telescope, surrounded by stars.
This spooky region of darkness surrounded by many stars may seem
to be a black hole, but it is really something far more disturbing.
This region of space, known as Barnard 68, is arguably the
loneliest, darkest, and coldest in the cosmos.
This picture is a color combination of visible and near-infrared
photographs of Barnard 68. It was taken in March 1999 using the 8.2-m VLT ANTU
telescope and the multi-mode FORS1 instrument. The tiny cloud is fully opaque
at these wavelengths due to the obscuring impact of dust particles inside its
This picture is a combination of visible and near-infrared
photographs of Barnard 68's black cloud. In March of 1999, it was collected
using the 8.2-m VLT ANTU telescope and the multi-mode FORS1 instrument. The little
cloud is completely opaque at these wavelengths due to the action of dust
particles inside it.
Scientists describe Barnard 68 as a black absorption nebula or Bok globule.
According to NASA:
Notable is the fact that Barnard 68 is exclusively opaque at visible-light wavelengths.
Using the Very Large Telescope at Cerro Paranal, scientists
detected at least 3,700 obstructed background Milky Way stars, of which 1,000
are visible at infrared wavelengths.
B68 is a black cloud located around 500 light-years (160 parsecs)
away from the southern constellation Ophiuchus (The Serpent-holder). This
picture depicts the sky region of the so-called Bok globule Barnard 68 — also
known as the Dark Cloud — photographed in six distinct wavebands, from the blue
to the near-infrared spectral region, in a clockwise direction.
According to scientists, Barnard 68 has about twice the mass of
the Sun and a diameter of a half light-year.
Due to the well-defined boundaries of Barnard 68 and other
characteristics, scientists think this molecular cloud is on the approach to
gravitational collapse.
Within the next two hundred thousand years, Barnard 68 will
condense into low-mass solar-type stars, produced in isolation and surrounded
by diffuse, hot interstellar plasma, according to experts.
Reference(s): NASA